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Name: Life Blade
Age: ???
Species: Mix of Fox and Dragon Humanoid
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Vigilante
Time Period: Any

Magnificent, life is magnificent, as is the one named after it. Life’s birth is a strange concept in all its forms, some say he must of fell from the sky one day as a strange combination of powerful beings. Others say he was orphaned by the God’s and fell to earth after failing some test. None of this matters to him, for he is a wanderer and lives by a code of honor. He protects any he can find, and is always looking for a good match, there to aid many. Though he is both feared and loved for his appearance, on first meetings he treats all people the same. Honor, way of the blade, mystical origins abound, all this surround the being named after the thing we all search answer to.

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