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Name: Tenon Ikla
Age: 24
Species: Half-Dragon
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Guard
Time Period: Ancient-Mideval

Tenon was sired by a dragon female and a male human, out of pure romance. Though when this child appeared neither parent cared to raise it so they left the egg in the cave believing it simply die. Fortunately the child survived by being discovered by a hermit lying within the swamps. This hermit raised the child, an old cranky man who knew the ways of armored hand to hand combat. Teaching the fledgling skills that could rival the greatest of Martial Artists. The man though passed away suddenly one day, leaving Tenon once again alone. Tenon preserved the man’s body in their hut lying in the cave where he first hatched, and now guards the very swamp, protecting it from all intruders… despite friendly intentions. Protection, no discrimination, and a quick ambush, the three things he uses to guard his home.

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